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在线土地测量/地理信息学位课程目前正在接受2024年秋季的新申请. 所有成绩单和申请必须在7月1日前提交, 2024, 报名参加2024年秋季学期!




“有全职工作,有家庭, 想要成为一名专业土地测量师的愿望已经在我心头萦绕了一段时间. 因为很多州都要求我在参加他们的执照考试之前接受一些教育, 我需要获得学位. I searched online for any University that could help me achieve my required education without sacrificing my job and my family. 我偶然发现了澳门新甫京娱乐游戏下载(澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载)的测量项目,发现它对我来说是一个理想的解决方案. 在获得州执照委员会的批准后,我开始在澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载学习大学课程. 现在几年的项目完成了, 我正在拿到学位的路上,很快就会拿到执照.”





The Land Surveying and Geomatics program (LSG) is committed to addressing the disparate and constantly changing needs of students - throughout Nevada and beyond - who are preparing for a geomatics career. Great Basin aims to deliver a high quality and relevant educational experience that prepares LSG students for professional success.

The online land surveying/geomatics bachelor degree program of applied 科学 was co-developed by 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏下载 (澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载) and the Nevada Association of Land Surveyor’s Advisory Committee. The land surveying/ geomatics program was implemented in response to the growing need for licensed professional surveyors in Nevada to capture, 商店, 过程, 管理空间数据. The four-year bachelor’s degree program in land surveying/geomatics has served Nevada students and distance learners from around the country effectively since its inception in 2005. The land surveying/geomatics program model is ideally structured for students who are employed (or seeking employment) in a surveying or geospatial related profession that require the flexibility and accessibility to coursework delivered outside the typical undergraduate learning environment.


拥有土地测量/地理信息专业学士学位的毕业生将被录取 女测量师从事水边制图工作.能: 

  • 熟练运用合理的测量方法, 数学, 科学, 以及收集的测量工具, 分析, 并在专业应用中编辑空间信息.
  • 具备土地测量的基础知识和应用能力, 以及空间数据的获取与管理.
  • 培养良好的人文学科背景, 社会科学, 还有艺术, 在多元文化和多样化的环境中发挥作用.
  • Provide fundamentals in business management to enable graduates to understand business environments and decision-making 过程es.
  • 用图形表达空间信息, 文本, 以及作为个人或作为专业团队合作成员的口头形式.
  • Prepare to take and pass the Fundamentals of Land Surveying examination developed by the National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying (NCEES).
  • 进入内华达州土地测量/地理信息专业就业, 其他州, 或附录1603所涵盖的国家.D.北美自由贸易协定第1条.
  • 满足NRS对执照的教育要求.625.270 as a professional Land Surveyor in Nevada and recognize the benefit of life-long learning by participating in continuing education as students or as instructors.



The online Land Surveying/Geomatics (LSG) Associate of Science degree program is designed to matriculate traditional and non-traditional learners, 哪些人接受的专上教育有限, 直接进入专业学位课程学习. 土地测量和地理信息科学副学士学位为学生在测量/制图方面的入门级职位做准备, 土木工程, 资源管理, and mining; as well as diverse technical opportunities within federal, 状态, 以及地方政府机构. 除了获得技术工作, the program is also intended to provide a seamless pathway into the Bachelor of Applied Science’s (BAS) Land Surveying and Geomatics program.


  • 熟练运用合理的测量方法, 数学, 科学, 以及收集的测量工具, 分析, 编辑, 并在专业应用中呈现空间信息.
  • 具备土地测量的基础知识和应用能力, 以及空间数据的获取与管理.
  • 准备毕业生的土地测量/地理信息应用科学学士课程或技术地理空间就业.


The web-based curriculum for the surveying/geomatics bachelor of applied 科学 degree delivers complete online instruction in land surveying, 映射, 地理信息系统用于测量师, 最小二乘平差, 摄影测量和遥感技术, 公共土地调查制度, 法律的描述, 大地测量和GPS测量, 施工测量, 矿山测量学, 高级边界分析, 还有一个土地测量/地理信息学顶点项目. 学生参与各种旨在利用测量工具收集和分析空间数据的活动, 多个软件包, 数据管理技术包括:全站仪, 水平, 卫星图像, 以及全球卫星导航系统(GNSS)数据. Specific software packages that are used in the instruction include; Carlson Survey, 特林布尔商务中心, ArcInfo, 和Mathcad. 我们的学习者还学习美国公共土地调查系统的高级主题, 以及与土地测量有关的法律原则. 除了, 学习者制作与工程相关的测量/地理项目来制作地图, 情节, 还有描绘边界的平面图, 地形, 地面控制, 飞行线路, 控制网络设计. 利用高精度光学和机电仪器以及卫星的全球定位数据, the students are responsible for interpreting and formulating the spatial information and then calculating precise and accurate geospatial solutions.


The applied 科学 land surveying/geomatics program coordinates with surveying and geomatic mentors (who must be licensed in the United States, 波多黎各联邦, 关岛, 美属萨摩亚, U.S. 属维尔京群岛, 和加勒比海, or a 状态/provincial/federal license that meets the minimum education requirements or alternative credentials under appendix 1603.D.北美自由贸易协定第1条) to assist qualified students gain the laboratory portion of their classical survey fundamentals. Laboratory fieldwork in classical survey fundamentals (delivered in the two lower division survey courses) is required to gain a four-year baccalaureate degree in land surveying/geomatics. Additional information about the surveying mentoring program or laboratories and field courses offered at 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏下载 can be addressed by contacting the land surveying/geomatics program advisor.


The land surveying/geomatics capstone course is designed to exhibit the application of program and course objectives in which the student develops a successful surveying/geomatics project involving, 但不限于, 边界测量, 抵押贷款调查, 地形测量, 施工测量, 水文和水深测量, 变形的调查, 地盘图则调查, 竣工的调查, 阿尔塔/ ACSM调查, 地下测量, 湿地圈定调查, 洪水高程测量, 电信调查, 爱丽儿的调查, 大地测量, 以及地下调查.


This organization is formed for the betterment of students at 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏下载 of the Nevada State Higher Education System. 本章对所有通过澳门新甫京娱乐游戏下载注册的学生开放. 该组织的活动包括:筹款, 社区和校园服务项目, and activities for the enjoyment of its members and the students of the 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏下载 and as such provides access for students to Statewide and National professional activities.


The land surveying/geomatics bachelors program has been accepted to meet the educational requirements for licensure in Nevada and many 其他州. The potential student must check with the licensure board of your 状态 to verify that the 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 online land surveying/geomatics baccalaureate degree program will meet the educational requirement for licensure. 本课程可能无法满足每个州的所有执照要求.


Surveying is the art and 科学 of measuring the physical features of the earth using specialized equipment and procedures to obtain results that meet the specifications of clients. 从事测量/绘图的公司提供测量方面的就业机会, 土木工程, 资源管理, mining and others; as well as diverse opportunities within the federal, 状态, 以及地方政府机构. 具体职位可能包括:城市规划师, 湿地划定和资源管理专家, 洪泛区经理, 建筑测量师, 运输署验船师, 矿山测量, 陆上/海上石油和天然气开采和勘探测量师, 认证Photogrammetrist, 测量技师认证 , 地理空间分析, 高级成像和制图专家, 计算机辅助制图师, 美国林务测量师, 土地管理局测量师, 国家地理空间情报局分析员.






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拜伦·卡尔金斯:775项目顾问.327.2206, 拜伦.calkins@aproteka.com

1500 College Parkway, HTC 130 
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